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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Color Project- Squish and Stretch

hot glue and the heat torch
close up
plastic glove

used a glove then afterward glued it down onto the page

close up to see texture of previous picture
used a balloon (didn't work but i liked the drips and splattering effect I got from it)
wood glue and paint

Color Project- Staining


orange juice




Color project- Kitchen





Thursday, October 28, 2010

Friday 10/22/10 Lecture

Dada,  Surrealism (means (in French) above, beyond)

post WWI          
less political??
new psychological theories of Sigmund Freud
1899 "the Interpretation of Dreams" - Access to the unconscious mind

some early surreal artists:
Max Ernst
Rene Magritte
Salvador Deli
Giorgio DeChirico
Man Ray
Jean Arp

Hue- locationin the color wheel
Value- Lightness or darkness
Saturation- distance from neutral gray purity of color experience

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Modular Madness

My 3D model turned out pretty good...except it broke the day of the wasn't displayed as I wanted since I had to lean it against the wall so the one strand of dice wouldn't fall off. But overall, my piece was liked.  Everyone liked how I chose to use mostly red dice for my piece and how each strand was organized.  Then I had the one strand that was white dice that was unorganized in the center of the structure. The only thing was that everyone had different opinions about whether the red dice were protecting, or antagonizing...the white dice. Kathy liked how I took a risk with the balance by having one strand wrap around the structure.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Friday 10/15/10 Lecture

Dada, Surrealism, & After

began in WWI
Protest against, war, society, old social order

Appropriation (stealing)
Assemblage, Construction
Conceptual art

Some Dada artists:
Jean Arp
Hugo Ball - 1916 opened a cabaret Voltaire in Zurich, Switzerland
Kurt Schwitters
Marcel Duchamp

the group moved to Berlin in 1919
Paris 1924 morphed into surrealism

Friday, October 15, 2010

Friday 10/8/10 Lecture and Reading Summary

What holds a piece of art together...

  • elements- line,point,shape,color,value,texture, and space
  • principles of organization- repetition, gestalt (closure, continuance, proximity, and similarity), placement, balance(symmetrical/formal, asymmetrical/informal), unity, harmony, contrast, scale, proportion
We also looked at works done by a variety of different artists:
  • Picasso, Egon Schiele, George Firosz, Otto Dix, Hans Bellmer, Frida Kahlo, Benito Mussolini, Jean Dubuffet, George Baselitz, Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, Carol Schneemann, Chuck Close, Philip Pearlstein, Judy Chicago,Lucian Freud, Leon Golub, Cindy Sherman, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Eric Fischt, Jenny Saville, Ron Mueck, Vanessa Beecroft, Louise Bourgeuis

Thematic unity- bringing together lots of similar objects,shapes, or forms.
    repetition with variety.
repetition without variety can evoke negative feelings about a world of robotic meaningless jobs and institutionalized living.
To much variety threatens information overload, and chaos

Hillman Curtis said "themes have power. They can communicate so much more than literal messaging. As designers we have the opportunity to draw attention to theme through our designs...Without communicating a theme, our designs will simply be pretty pictures...a bouquet of roses with no note attached."


Symmetrical about the vertical axis - when  the main object is placed in the very center of the picture, with an equal distribution of elements at either side.
Asymmetrical-  when there is more appearing to be going on to one side of the composition than the other.

Radial balance-symmetry in circular or spherical space, with lines or shapes growing and radiating from a central point.
Crystallographic balance- when there is equal emphasis or an allover pattern with an absence of a focal point, where the eye is attracted everywhere and nowhere.
Formal Balance (Static symmetrical balance)-generally and usually symmetrical and it is characterized by the repetition of identical or similar elements on wither side of a central axis
Informal balance- is asymmetrical and more curvilinear, and it is often fluid and dynamic, creating a sense of curiosity and movement.

Inverted symmetry- half is inverted
Biaxial symmetry- uses 2 axis of symmetry, vertical and horizontal

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Mark Making Device

I FINALLY finished my device...It was quite difficult to make. At first it was just going to be the slinky and the fan attached to it then I would dip the blades in the ink then turn the fan on....but no that idea didn't work out. So Then I decided to drip the ink in behind the was really cool!!! So I went with it...but I failed to see the slight technical difficulty in this idea. How am I going to drip the ink into the device when the whole object is moving???  Now this was a major problem and took awhile to figure out. It ends up that I had to attach a tube that ran up the middle of the slinky from the top all the way down to the for the next problem the tube obstructed the slinkys movement. I had to cut the tube to the exact length of when the slinky would be at its maximum height and then have it run on the outside of the slinky and I attached it to a wooden rod then attached the slinky to the rod.  So many problems for one device, but there is I was having difficulty getting the ink into the tube without I was searching my room and i found mini little paint cups with lids!! I stabbed a hole in the bottom of the container and attached it to the tube and the wooden rod. Well i think that was all the problems I've had so far...

So I began testing out my object... Most of the marks are similar till I figured out that I could let the device drop completely to the paper and allow the blades of the fan hit the paper, created a really neat effect!! I stuck with that idea for a while, testing it out trying to get different effects with the same method. 
I was trying to close the lid to the paint cup at the top of my device after putting more paint and water into it, when i noticed by opening and closing the paint cup increased/decreased the air pressure within the tube causing more/less paint to come out at one time. New method!! So now i tested out this idea, getting a wider variety in the amount of paint released giving greater value to my sketches.

curious how it would look with the tape